Hello and Welcome!

Hi, it’s Yasmin here! Thanks for showing me some love and coming on this blog journey with me wherever it takes us! After all it’s not about the destination right?

At school English was always my worst subject! I was a Maths and Science nerd all the way. I was told many times by various teachers that my writing wasn’t very creative or exciting so even though I have thought about starting a blog for a very long time, I kept thinking it wouldn’t be very interesting or well written and who would want to read it? And let’s not even go into how terrible I am with anything IT related… However a few years have passed and that niggling feeling is still there so I decided to just jump in and give it a go. After all, whats the worst thing that could happen?

So here I go with my collection of random thoughts, memories, ideas, creations and who knows what else! Open to ideas, suggestions and feedback so please don’t be shy. One thing I know for sure, just the thought of getting these things out there lights me up and puts a smile on my face. My hope is that at lease some of what I have to share does the same for you.

Love Yasmin oxo

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